
Vinifera EuroMaster欧洲葡萄栽培与酿酒联合硕士项目,由EMaVE Consortium联盟负责,该联盟由法国蒙彼利埃高等农学院、 法国波尔多农业科学院、德国盖申海姆大学、意大利大学联盟 、葡萄牙里斯本科技大学高等农业研究院,葡萄牙波尔图大学、西班牙马德里综合理工大学等高校组成。该组织以其在葡萄和葡萄酒领域的出色研究而闻名。目前,法国蒙彼利埃高等农学院是EMaVE联盟的协调机构,也是该项目的主办院校。整个项目进行全英文授课,授课人员来自世界各地,在葡萄栽培、酿酒学和葡萄酒经济学领域内的顶尖专家。

At 5 p.m. Paris time on November 30, Ms.Dong Shumeng attended the Vinifera EuroMaster Advisory Board on behalf of our college. More than 30 representatives from over ten countries, such as Ecole de Changins, Michigan State University, South African Grape & Wine Research Institute, attended the meeting. Our college was the only invited college from China.
At the conference, associate partners heatedly discussed the development of the Vinifera program, the last results of the graduates trace survey, and perspectives for the Vinifera. At the same time, they also exchanged views on climate change and the development of the wine industry.
The EMaVE Consortium organizes the Vinifera EuroMaster. The universities and research institutes within the Union are known for their excellence in grape and wine research. They have strong links with the primary producers of fine wine in Europe - France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Ecole Superieure De Agriculturale montpellier in France is the coordinating body of the EMaVE Union. The most excellent experts in viticulture, enology and wine economics teach the project in English.
As one of the associate partners, our college organizes students and academics with EMaVE Consortium. Also, as a prestigious college of Enology in Asia, we provide abundant development resources and a broader path for students majoring in grape wine, promoting the development of China's wine industry.