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       发布日期:2024-01-03     浏览次数:34






(2) 2022.03-2024.12,西北农林科技大学,葡萄酒学院,院长助理

(3) 2023.01-至今,西北农林科技大学,葡萄酒学院,教授

(4) 2021.01-2022.12,西北农林科技大学,葡萄酒学院,副教授

(5) 2020.01-2023.07,西北农林科技大学,园艺学博士后流动站,博士后,合作导师 马锋旺教授

(6) 2017.08-2020.01,西北农林科技大学,食品科学与工程博士后流动站,博士后,合作导师 房玉林教授

(7) 2017.07-2020.12,西北农林科技大学,葡萄酒学院,讲师

(8) 2013.09-2017.07,中国农业大学,食品科学与营养工程学院,获博士学位

(9) 2006.09-2013.07,陕西师范大学,食品工程与营养科学学院,获学士、硕士学位


(1) 葡萄与葡萄酒产业林业和草原国家创新联盟副秘书长;

(2) 秦巴山区葡萄与葡萄酒工程技术研究中心副主任;

(3) 《食品工业科技》青年编委;

(4) 《食品研究与开发》青年编委;

(5) 陕西省青年科技工作者协会理事;

(6) 中国食品科学技术学会葡萄酒分会委员。


(1) 2023年,入选陕西省中青年科技创新领军人才;

(2) 2023年,入选三秦英才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才;

(3) 2022年,入选陕西省青年科技新星;

(4) 2021年,获陕西农业技术推广成果奖(一等奖):鲜食葡萄产业提质增效关键技术集成与示范,排名3;

(5) 2019年,获宁夏科技进步奖(三等奖):宁夏葡萄酒关键质量因子综合评价体系构建与创新应用,排名4;

(6) 2023年,获西北农林科技大学本科教学成果奖(特等奖):行业需求引领,产教研深度融合,食品学科拔尖创新人才培养模式的探索与实践,排名2。



1. 主要科研项目:


2. 代表著作

(1) 《葡萄栽培学》(译著),中国农业出版社(房玉林、曾婕、孙翔宇译);

(2) 《葡萄学实验实习指导》,中国农业出版社(8/20)。

3. 代表著作与论文

发表论文110篇(SCI/EI论文76篇),其中以第一/通讯作者在 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , Food Chemistry , Food & Function ,中国农业科学等国内外知名学术期刊上共发表SCI论文51篇(IF>10论文5篇),含封面论文6篇,ESI热点论文2篇,ESI高被引论文4篇,SCI论文累积影响因子286.587,累积被引用次数达到1535次,中科院一区论文24篇,TOP期刊论文22篇;以及EI论文3篇,核心论文7篇。


(1) Li JN, Ma TT, Bao SH, Yin DZ, Ge Q, Li CH, Fang YL*, Sun XY**. Suitable crop loading: An effective method to improve “Shine Muscat” grape quality.  Food Chemistry , 2023, 424,136451. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 9.231)

(2) Wang JQ#, Ma TT#, Wei MY, Lan T, Bao SH, Zhao QY, Fang YL*, Sun XY**. Copper in grape and wine industry: source, presence, impacts on production and human health, and removal methods.  Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety , 2023, 22(3), 1794-1816.  (封面文章,SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 15.786)

(3) Wang SN, Ma ZQ, Zhao PT, Du GR, Sun XY*, Wang XY*.The role of Arabic gum on astringency by modulating the polyphenol fraction-protein reaction in model wine.  Food Chemistry , 2023, 417, 135927. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 9.231)

(4) Ma TT#, Wang JQ#, Lan T, Bao SH, Zhao QY, Sun XY*, Liu XB*. How to comprehensively improve juice quality: A review of the impacts of sterilization technology on the overall quality of fruit and vegetable juices in 2010–2021, An updated overview and current issues.  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , 2022, on line. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 11.208)

(5) Wei MY#, Ma TT#, Ge Q,Li CH, Zhang KK,Fang YL*, Sun XY*. Challenges and opportunities of winter vine pruning for global grape and wine industries.  Journal of Cleaner Production , 2022, 380, 135086. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF202111.072)

(6) Sun XY, Wang JQ, Ge Q, Li CH,Ma TT, Fang YL, Zhan JC*. Interactive effects of copper and functional substances inwine on alcoholic hepatic injury in mice.  Foods , 2022, 11, 2383. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,TOP期刊,IF20215.561)

(7) Wang JQ#, Ge Q#, Li CH, Ma TT,Fang YL*, Sun XY*.Comparative study on the impact on mouse livers of different amounts of Chinese Baijiu, beer, and wine consumption.  Food Science and Technology , 2022, 42, e65022. (SCI,JCR Q3,中科院三区,IF20212.602)

(8) YangBH, Fu PN, Lu J, Ma FW*, Sun XY*, Fang YL*. Regulated deficit irrigation: an effective way to solve the shortage of agricultural water for horticulture.  Stress Biology , 2022, 2, 28.

(9) Sun XY, Zhao QY, Yuan QY, Gao CX, Ge Q, Li CH, Liu XB*,Ma TT*. Thermosonication combined with ε-polylysine (TSε): A novel technology tocontrol the microbial population and significantly improve the overallquality attributes of orange juice.  Food Control , 2022, 141, 109200. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20216.652)

(10) Wei MY, Ma TT, Cao MM, Wei BS, Li C, Li CH,Zhang KK, Fang YL, Sun XY*. Biomass estimation and characterization of the nutrient components ofthinned unripe grapes in China and the global grape industries.  Food Chemistry  : X , 2022, 15, 100363. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20216.443)

(11) Cheng XH, Wang PP, Zhang XL, Ma TT, Wang R, Gao YJ,Fang YL*, Sun XY*. Reduction of methoxypyrazines with ‘vegetable-like’ odors in grapes byfoliar nitrogen application.  Scientia Horticulturae , 2022, 301, 111106. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,TOP期刊,IF20214.342)

(12) Duan BB, Chen GQ, Jin XD, Chang W, Lan T, Zhao YM, Sun XY*, Liu X*. Prediction of tannin profile in grape ( Vitis vinifera  L.) skins during berry maturation using a rapid mechanical puncture approach.  Food Chemistry , 2022, 385, 132666. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 9.231)

(13) Ma TT,# Wang JQ,# Wang HL, Zhao QY, Zhang F, Ge Q, Li CH, Gamboa GG*, Fang YL*, Sun XY*. Wine aging and artificial simulated wine aging: Technologies, applications, challenges, and perspectives.  Food Research International , 2022, 153, 110953. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20217.425)

(14) Ma TT,# Wang HL,# Wei MY, Lan T, Wang JQ, Bao SH,Ge Q, Fang YL*, Sun XY*. Application of smart-phone use in rapid food detection, food traceabilitysystems, and personalized diet guidance, making our diet more health.  Food Research International , 2022, 137, 109566. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20217.425)

(15) Cheng XH, Wang PP, Chen QY, Ma TT, Wang R, Gao YJ, Zhu HD, Liu Y, Liu BC, Sun XY*, Fang YL*. Enhancement of anthocyanin and chromatic profiles in ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (Vitis vinifera L.) by foliar nitrogen fertilizer during veraison.  Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 2022, 102, 383-395 (封面文章,SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,TOP期刊,IF20214.125)

(16) Sun XY,# Zhang F,# Gutiérrez-Gambo G,Ge Q,Xu PK,Zhang QW,Fang YL,* Ma TT*. Real wine or not? Protecting wine with traceability and authenticity for consumers: Chemical and technical basis, technique applications, challenge, and perspectives.  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , 2022, 62(24), 6783-6808. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 11.208)

(17) Wang JQ, Ma TT, Wang LK,Lan T, Fang YL, Sun XY*. Research on the consumption trend, nutritional value, biological activity evaluation, and sensory properties of mini fruits and vegetables.  Foods , 2021, 10(12), 2966. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,TOP期刊,IF20215.561)

(18) Wei MY, Wang HL, Ma TT, Ge Q, Fang YL, Sun XY*. Comprehensive utilization of thinned unripe fruits fromhorticultural crops.  Foods , 2021, 10,2043. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,IF20215.561)

(19) Lan T, Bao SH, Wang JQ, Ge Q, Zhang HX, Yang WY, Sun XY*, Ma TT*. Shelf life evaluation of non-industrial fresh mango juice based on the microbial safety, nutritional and sensory characteristic.  Food Bioscience , 2021, 42, 101060.(SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,IF20215.318)

(20) Cheng G,# Ma TT,# Deng ZH,Gastón Gutiérrez-Gambo, Ge Q, Xu PK, Zhang QW, Zhang JX,Meng JF,Reiter J. R.,* Fang YL*, Sun XY*. Plant-derived melatonin from food: a gift of nature.  Food & Function , 2021, 12, 2829-2849. (封面文章,SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20216.317)

(21) Gutiérrez-GamboaGastón G, Wei MY, Moreno-Simunovic Y., Sun XY*, Fang YL*. Potential opportunities of thinned clusters in viticulture: A mini review.  Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 2021, 101, 4435-4443. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,TOP期刊,IF20214.125)

(22) Cheng XH, Liang YY,Zhang A, Wang PP, He S, Zhang KK, Wang JX, Fang YL*, Sun XY*. Using foliar nitrogen application during veraison to improve the flavor components of grape and wine.  Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 2021, 101, 1288-1300. (封面文章,SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,TOP期刊,IF20214.125)

(23) Wei XF#, Ju YL#,Ma TT#, Zhang JX, Fang YL*, Sun XY*. New perspectives on the biosynthesis, transportation, astringency perception and detection methods of grape proanthocyanidins.  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , 2021, 61, 2372-2398. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 11.208)

(24) Cheng XH,Wang XF,Zhang A, Wang PP, Chen QY, Ma TT, Li WP, Liang YY, Sun XY*, and Fang YL*. Foliar phenylalanine application promoted antioxidant activities inCabernet Sauvignon by regulating phenolic biosynthesis.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 2020, 68, 15390-15402. (封面文章,SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 5.895)

(25) Ma TT, Wang JQ, Wang LK, Yang YH, Yang WY, Wang HL, Lan T, Zhang QW, Sun XY*. Ultrasound-combined sterilization technology: An effective sterilization technique ensuring the microbial safety of grape juice and significantly improving its quality.  Foods , 2020, 9(10), 1512. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,TOP期刊,IF20215.561)

(26) Cheng XH, Ma TT, Wang PP, Liang YY,Zhang JX, Zhang A, Chen QY, Li WP, Ge Q, Sun XY*, Fang YL*. Foliar nitrogen application from veraison to preharvest improved flavonoids, fatty acids and aliphatic volatiles composition in grapes and wines.  Food Research International , 2020, 137, 109566. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20217.425)

(27) Gutiérrez-GamboaGastón, Liu SY, Sun XY*, Fang YL*. Oenological potential and health benefits of Chinese non-Vitis vinifera species: An opportunity to the revalorization and to breed new varieties.  Food Research International , 2020, 137, 109443. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20217.425)

(28) Ma TT, Wang JQ, Wang HL, Liu RH, Gao T, Lan T, Yang WY, Zhou Y, Fang YL*, Sun XY*.Is overnight fresh juice drinkable? The shelf life prediction of non-industrial fresh watermelon juice based on the nutritional quality, microbial safety quality and sensory quality.  Food & Nutrition Research , 2020, 64, 4237. (SCI,JCR Q2,中科院三区,IF2021 3.221)

(29) Que ZL#, Ma TT#, Shang Y, Ge Q, Zhang QW, Xu PK, Zhang JX, Francoise U, Liu X*, Sun XY*.Microorganisms: producers of melatonin in fermented foods and beverages.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 2020, 68, 4799-4811. (封面文章,SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 5.895)

(30) Sun XY#, Wei XF#, Zhang JX, Ge Q, Liang YY,Ju YL, Zhang A, Ma TT, Fang YL**. Biomass estimation and physicochemical characterization of winter vine prunings in the Chinese and global grape and wine industries.  Waste Management , 2020, 104, 119-129. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20218.816)

(31) Yang BH, He S, Liu Y, Liu BC, Ju YL, Kang DZ,Sun XY,*Fang YL*. Transcriptomics integrated with metabolomics reveals the effect of regulated deficit irrigation on anthocyanin biosynthesis in cabernet sauvignon grape berries.  Food Chemistry , 2020, 314, 126170. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 9.231)

(32) Sun XY, Cheng XH, Zhang JZ, Ju YL, Que ZL, Liao XJ, Lao F, Fang YL*, Ma TT*.Letting wine polyphenols functional: Estimation of wine polyphenolsbioaccessibility under different drinking amount and drinking patterns.  Food Research International , 2020, 127, 108704. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20217.425,2020年3月-2020年4月ESI高被引论文)

(33) Yang BH, Yao H, Zhang JX, Li YQ, Ju YL, Zhao XF,Sun XY,*Fang YL*. Effect of regulated deficit irrigation on the content of soluble sugars, organicacids and endogenous hormones in Cabernet Sauvignon in the Ningxia regionof China.  Food Chemistry , 2020, 312, 126020. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 9.231)

(34) Zhao XF, Ju YL, Wei XF, Dong S, Sun XY,*Fang YL*. Significance and transformation of 3-alkyl-2-methoxypyrazines through grapes to wine: olfactory properties, metabolism, biochemical regulation, and the HP-MP cycle.  Molecules , 2019, 24(24), 4598. (SCI,JCR Q2,中科院二区,IF2021 4.927)

(35) Zhao T, Wu J, Meng J, Shi P, Fang YL, Zhang ZW*,Sun XY*. Harvesting at the right time: maturity and its effects on the aromatic characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon wine.  Molecules , 2019, 24, 2777. (SCI,JCR Q2,中科院二区,IF2021 4.927)

(36) Ma TT, Lan T, Geng TH, Ju YL, Cheng G, Que ZL, Gao GT*,Fang YL*, Sun XY*. Nutritional properties and biological activities of kiwifruit ( Actinidia ) and kiwifruit products under simulated gastrointestinal  in vitro  digestion.  Food & Nutrition Research , 2019, 63, 1674. (SCI,JCR Q2,中科院三区,IF2021 3.221)

(37) Ma TT, Lan T, Ju YL, Cheng G, Que ZL, Geng TH, Fang YL*, Sun XY*. Comparison on the nutritional properties and biological activities of kiwifruit ( Actinidia ) and their different forms products: towards making kiwifruit more nutritious and functional.  Food & Function , 2019, 10, 1317-1329. (封面文章,SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20216.317,2019年9月-2020年4月高被引论文)

(38) Ju YL, Yang BH, He S,Tu TY, Min Z, Fang YL*, Sun XY*. Anthocyaninsaccumulation and biosynthesis are modulated by regulated deficit irrigation in Cabernet Sauvignon ( Vitis Vinifera  L.) grapes and wines. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 2019, 135, 469-479. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,IF20215.437)

(39) Sun XY#, Liu LL#, Ma TT, Yu J, Huang WD, Fang YL, Zhan JC. Effect of high Cu2+ stress on fermentation performance and copper biosorption of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during wine fermentation.  Food Science and Technology (Campinas) , 2019, 39, 19-26. (SCI,JCR Q3,中科院三区,IF20212.602)

(40) Sun XY, Ma TT, Yu J, Huang WD, Fang YL, Zhan JC. Investigation of the copper contents in vineyard soil, grape must and wine and the relationship among them in the Huaizhuo Basin Region, China: A Preliminary Study.  Food Chemistry , 2018, 241, 40-50. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 9.231)

(41) Sun XY, Niu YX, Ma TT, Xu PK, Huang WD, Zhan JC. Determination, content analysis and removal efficiency of fining agents on ochratoxin A in Chinese wines.  Food Control , 2017, 73, 382-392. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20216.652)

(42) Sun XY, Luo X, Ma TT, You YL, Huang WD, Zhan JC. Detection method optimization, dynamic changes during alcoholic fermentation and content analysis of "Brett character" compounds 4-ethylphenol (4-EP) and 4-ethylguaiacol (4-EG) in Chinese red wines.  Food Analytical Methods , 2017, 10(5), 1616–1629. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院三区,IF2021 3.498)

(43) Sun XY, Ma TT, Han LY, Huang WD, Zhan JC. Effects of copper pollution on the phenolic compound contents, color and antioxidant activity of wine.  Molecules , 2017, 22(5), 726. (SCI,JCR Q2,中科院二区,IF2021 4.927)

(44) Sun XY, Li L, Ma TT, Huang WD, Zhan JC. High hydrostatic pressure treatment: An artificial accelerating aging method which did not change the region and variety non-colored phenolic characteristic of red wine.  Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies , 2016, 33, 123-134. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF20217.104)

(45) Sun XY#, Liu LL#, Zhao Y, Ma TT, Zhao F, Huang WD, Zhan JC. Effect of copper stress on growth characteristics and fermentation properties of  Saccharomyces cerevisia e and the pathway of copper adsorption during wine fermentation.  Food Chemistry , 2016, 192, 43-52. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 9.231)

(46) Sun XY#, Li XY#, Wang PY, Ma TT, Huang WD, Han S, Zhan JC. Detection method optimization, content analysis and stability exploration of natamycin in wine.  Food Chemistry , 2016, 194, 928-937. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院一区,TOP期刊,IF2021 9.231)

(47) Sun XY#, Zhao Y#, Liu LL, Jia B, Zhao F, Huang WD, Zhan JC. Copper tolerance and biosorption of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during alcoholic fermentation.  PLoS ONE , 2015, 10(6): e0128611. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院三区,IF20213.752)

(48) Sun XY, Li L, Ma TT, Liu XY, Huang WD, Zhan JC. Profiles of phenolic acids and flavan-3-ols for select Chinese red wines: a comparison and differentiation according to geographic origin and grape variety.  Journal of Food Science , 2015, 80, 2170-2179. (SCI,JCR Q2,中科院三区,IF20213.693)

(49) Sun XY, Chen XH, Li L, Ma TT, Zhao F, Huang WD, Zhan JC. Effect of ultra-high pressure treatment on the chemical properties, color and sensory quality of young red wine.  South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture , 2015, 36, 391-399. (SCI,JCR Q3,中科院四区,IF2021 1.981)

(50) Ma TT#, Sun XY#, Gao GT, Wang XY, Liu XY, Du GR, Zhan JC. Phenolic characterisation and antioxidant capacity of young wines made from different grape varieties grown in Helanshan Donglu wine zone (China).  South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture . 2014, 35(2), 321-331. (SCI,JCR Q3,中科院四区,IF2021 1.981, 共同第一作者).

(51) Luo M#, Wan SB#, Sun XY#, Huang WD, Zhan JC. Interactions between auxin and quercetin during grape berry development.  Scientia Horticulturae , 2016, 205, 45-51. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院二区,IF20214.342, 共同第一作者)

(52) 高洁,文云,赵子贤,马婷婷,房玉林,孙翔宇*. 基于商业查询大数据的宁夏、山东葡萄酒产业发展现状比较研究. 中国酿造, 2023, 已接收.

(53) 李金平, 高健, 王志永, 赵子贤, 张媛珂, 崔泽方, 孙翔宇*, 马婷婷*. 基于天眼查大数据的黑果腺肋花楸产业发展现状分析. 食品与发酵工业, 2023, 已接收.

(54) 李超,王家琪,魏滨生,文云,房玉林,孙翔宇*. 浸渍对红葡萄酒颜色品质的影响研究进展. 中国酿造, 2023, 已接收.

(55) 王淑娟,魏丽萍,张晓晖,张媛珂,赵子贤,崔泽方,孙翔宇*,马婷婷*. 基于PCA、TOPSIS以及GRA模型的不同产区黑果腺肋花楸果实品质评价. 食品研究与开发, 2023, 已接收.

(56) 李嘉宁,张予林,马婷婷,房玉林*,孙翔宇*. 不同负载量对阳光玫瑰葡萄果实品质的综合影响. 食品工业科技, 2023, 已接收.

(57) 王淑娟,张晓晖,魏丽萍,吕欣然,鲍诗晗,兰天,赵子贤,孙翔宇*,马婷婷*. 黑果腺肋花楸果茶的研制及品质评价. 食品研究与开发, 2023, 已接收.

(58) 魏滨生,李超,王家琪,房玉林,孙翔宇*. 不同超声处理对高花色苷干红葡萄酒颜色的影响. 中外葡萄与葡萄酒, 2023, 已接收.

(59) 王悦, 葛谦, 马婷婷, 房玉林, 李彩虹, 孙翔宇*. 基于智能感官的中国三产地市售马瑟兰葡萄酒感官特征解析. 食品与发酵工业, 2023, 已接收.

(60) 李嘉宁, 张予林, 吕毅, 王家琪, 马婷婷, 房玉林*, 孙翔宇*. 基于文献计量学的葡萄酒中铜研究进展分析. 食品工业科技, 2023, 44(16), 470-479.

(61) 王悦, 李彩虹, 许容郡, 丁欣, 李亚汶, 房玉林, 葛谦, 孙翔宇*. 基于文献计量学的马瑟兰 (Vitis vinifera  L.)研究现状与发展趋势可视化分析. 食品研究与开发, 2023, 网络出版.

(62) 李彩虹#, 王 悦#, 吕毅, 葛谦, 王家琪, 马婷婷, 房玉林, 孙翔宇*. 基于正交偏最小二乘法判别分析(OPLS-DA)的宁夏和河北产区市售马瑟兰葡萄酒理化特征和抗氧化能力解析. 食品与发酵工业, 2023, 已接收.

(63) 张予林, 翁皎洁, 兰天, 王悦, 李嘉宁, 李彩虹, 王云霞, 孙翔宇*. 不同透氧率的瓶塞对瓶储两年葡萄酒感官品质的影响. 中国酿造, 2023, 1, 174-180.

(64) 王淑娟, 郜毓堃, 郭栋卫, 王悦, 兰天, 王云霞, 马婷婷, 孙翔宇*. 基于电子鼻和GC-MS分析黑果腺肋花楸酒香气特征与差异性. 中国酿造, 2022, 41(7), 204-212.

(65) 张予林, 吴丹, 沙青, 兰天, 王悦, 孙翔宇*. 振动方式对瓶储葡萄酒酚类物质的影响. 食品与发酵工业, 2021,47(14):16 - 22.

(66) 孙翔宇等. 中国部分主产区葡萄酒中铜含量分析. 现代食品科技, 2015, 31(5), 278-284. (EI 期刊)

(67) 孙翔宇等. RP-HPLC法同时测定葡萄酒、果酒、果醋中16种单体酚的含量. 现代食品科技, 2014, 30(12), 201-209. (EI 期刊)

(68) 孙翔宇等.陕西省售国产葡萄酒中多酚类物质的特征与抗氧化能力分析. 现代食品科技, 2014, 30(8), 242-250. (EI 期刊)

(69) 李婉平; 刘敏; 王皆行; 姚衡; 成正龙; 窦俊霞; 周晓明; 房玉林*; 孙翔宇*. 炎热气候条件下抗蒸腾剂对酿酒葡萄光合特性与葡萄酒品质的影响. 中国农业科学 2019, 52(17): 3008-3019.

(70) 孙翔宇, 高贵田*, 严勃, 赵金梅, 谷留杰, 刘继瑞. 三叶木通与猫儿屎种子脂肪酸和氨基酸分析.中药材.2012,35(9), 1444-1447.

(71) 孙翔宇, 高贵田*, 赵金梅, 谷留杰, 马文娟, 薛骞.α-桐酸的研究进展. 中国油脂.2012,17(10), 52-56.

(72) 孙翔宇, 高贵田*, 段爱莉, 顾浩峰, 李冰, 薛骞. 多不饱和脂肪酸的研究进展.食品工业科技.2012,33(7), 418-423.

(73) 孙翔宇, 段爱莉, 高贵田*, 严勃, 刘继瑞, 马文娟. 猫屎瓜籽油提取及脂肪酸组成分析.食品工业科技.2012,33(15), 236-241.

(74) 孙翔宇, 严勃,王振南. 低糖胡萝卜果脯加工工艺及对β-胡萝卜素和维生素C含量的影响.食品与药品.2012,14(2), 113-116.

4. 授权专利


(1) Sun, Xiangyu; Hou, Guoshan; Sun, Yujie; Deng, Shenglin; Fang, Yulin and Ma, Tingting. A single-layer double arm ‘chang zi’ shaped grape shaping method.(澳大利亚革新专利,授权,授权号Patent number: 2021100109)

(2) Ma, Tingting; Geng, Tonghui; Liu, Xuebo and Sun, Xiangyu. A whitening health care drink of traditional Chinese medicine and its preparation method.(澳大利亚革新专利,授权,授权号Patent number: 2021100101)

(3) Fang, Yulin; He, Shuang; Wang, Jiexing; Sun, Xiangyu and Wei, Mengyuan. A wine lees handmade soap and its preparation method.(澳大利亚革新专利,授权,授权号Patent number: 2021100102)

(4) Fang, Yulin; Cheng, Xianghan; Wang, Jiexing; Liu, Feifei; Wang, Panpan; Li, Wanping; Chen, Qianyi; Cheng, Zhenglong; Dou, Junxia and Sun, Xiangyu. A formula, preparation method and cultivation method of sand culture wine grape nutrient solution(澳大利亚革新专利,授权,授权号Patent number: 2021100124)

(5) 孙翔宇, 王江宇, 卢隽, 陈秋崇, 任行, 蒋佳俊, 房玉林. 一种“太极”形葡萄景观化种植方法.(发明专利,授权,专利号ZL201910489433.0)

(6) 孙翔宇,李嘉宁,房玉林,马婷婷,魏梦媛,王家琪。一种葡萄花序整形训练模型(实用新型专利,授权,专利号ZL202221822335.8)

(7) 孙翔宇,李嘉宁,房玉林,马婷婷,魏梦媛,王家琪。一种葡萄疏果训练模型(实用新型专利,授权,专利号ZL202221858287.8)

(8) 孙翔宇,郝若洁,江理广,姬文轩. 一种繁星点点型景观葡萄树形种植结构(实用新型专利,授权,专利号ZL202122061829.0)

(9) 孙翔宇,郑梦妮,康雪婷,葛晓娜,王婷,马婷婷,房玉林. 一种桃心形葡萄树支架.(实用新型专利,授权,专利号ZL202121400431.9)

(10) 孙翔宇, 王水婷, 陈亚琳, 王莹, 房玉林, 马婷婷, 石超. 一种鹿角形葡萄树支架.(实用新型专利,授权,专利号ZL202121967365.3)

(11) 孙翔宇, 廖兴茹, 马婷婷, 房玉林, 张豪羽, 雷少瑾, 兰天, 王家琪, 赵苡培, 赵宏博. 一种葡萄多年生树皮简易剥离装置.(实用新型专利,授权,授权号ZL202020799054.X)

(12) 孙翔宇,李婉平,马婷婷,房玉林,王皆行,程相涵,何爽,成正龙,窦俊霞. 一种可标准化识别葡萄酒颜色的酒瓶. (实用新型专利,授权,授权号ZL201920971181.0)

(13) 孙翔宇,蒋佳俊,任行,陈秋崇,卢隽,王江宇,房玉林. 一种葡萄树支架. (实用新型专利,授权,授权号ZL201920847676.2)

(14) 孙翔宇,兰天,马婷婷,石翊彤,房玉林,焦睿智. 一种可观察红酒颜色的酒瓶. (实用新型专利,授权,授权号ZL201920701739.3)

(15) 孙翔宇,李婉平,房玉林,马婷婷,王皆行,闵卓,程相涵,程果,薛婷婷. 一种具有比色功能的葡萄酒酒瓶. (实用新型专利,授权,授权号ZL201920695565.4)

(16) 孙翔宇,鲍诗晗,马婷婷,房玉林,兰天,王家琪. 一种可转变为酒杯的酒瓶. (实用新型专利,授权,授权号ZL201920903608.3)

(17) 孙翔宇,李婵,李旭辉,符月姣,杨嘉炜,赵天旖,房玉林. 一种“镂空圆柱”型葡萄种植支架. (实用新型专利,授权,授权号ZL201921264322.1)

(18) 孙翔宇,李陈一,赵雨竹,田伟业,李怀翱、张嘉璇、房玉林、马婷婷、张振文、惠竹梅.一种葡萄观光采摘园亭式种植结构.(实用新型专利,授权,授权号ZL202022771730.5)

(19) 孙翔宇, 赵雨竹, 张嘉璇, 房玉林, 马婷婷, 张振文, 惠竹梅. 一种酒杯型葡萄景观化种植支架.(实用新型专利,授权,授权号ZL202021645173.6)

(20) 孙翔宇,周敏,张昌镐,王盼盼,房玉林,马婷婷. 一种喇叭形葡萄景观化种植支架.(实用新型专利,授权,申请号ZL20202289257.1)

(21) 孙翔宇,周敏,张昌镐,王盼盼,房玉林. 一种管道式液态食品射频杀菌装置(实用新型专利,授权,申请号ZL202022673249.2)

(22) 孙翔宇,李婉平,房玉林,马婷婷,王皆行,闵卓,程相涵,程果,薛婷婷. 桃红葡萄酒比色卡. (外观专利,授权,授权号ZL201930236255.1)

(23) 孙翔宇,李婉平,房玉林,马婷婷,王皆行,闵卓,程相涵,程果,薛婷婷. 白葡萄酒比色卡. (外观专利,授权,授权号ZL201930236248.1)

(24) 孙翔宇,周敏,张昌镐,王盼盼,房玉林. 葡萄酒酒标(镶金兽首玛瑙杯).(外观专利,授权,授权号ZL202030697769.X)

(25) 葛谦,孙翔宇,李彩虹,张静,闫玥,张伟,王彩艳,单巧玲,王晓静,马婷婷. 一种葡萄酒产地识别方法及其识别系统.(发明专利,授权,授权号ZL202110458103.2)

(26) 刘冰,葛谦,赵丹青,李英武,李振永,孙翔宇,马婷婷,苏龙,张艳,苟春林,张静,李彩虹,闫玥. 一株高产香气物质的酵母菌株QTX11及其应用.(发明专利,授权,授权号ZL202110108011.1)

(27) 葛谦,苟春林,张峰峰,李冬,张静,李彩虹,闫玥,李振永,刘冰,孙翔宇,单巧玲,路洁,李娴,马婷婷. 一株植物乳杆菌Lactobacillus plantarum菌株YC21及其应用.(发明专利,授权,授权号ZL202110107456.8)

(28) 马婷婷, 王家琪, 孙翔宇, 房玉林, 王悦, 兰天, 鲍诗晗. 一种适合于电商物流的葡萄保鲜盒. (实用新型专利,授权,授权号ZL202120997589.2)

(29) 房玉林,李婉平,孙翔宇,马婷婷,王皆行,程相涵,何爽,成正龙,窦俊霞. 酒瓶(可观察并识别桃红葡萄酒颜色). (外观专利,授权,授权号ZL201930333819.3)

(30) 房玉林,李婉平,孙翔宇,马婷婷,王皆行,程相涵,何爽,成正龙,窦俊霞. 酒瓶(可观察并识别红葡萄酒颜色). (外观专利,授权,授权号ZL201930333809.X)

(31) 房玉林,李婉平,孙翔宇,马婷婷,王皆行,程相涵,何爽,成正龙,窦俊霞. 酒瓶(可观察并识别白葡萄酒颜色). (外观专利,授权,授权号ZL201930333821.0)

(32) 马婷婷,兰天,刘学波,孙翔宇. 瓶子(果蔬). (外观专利,授权,授权号ZL201930169493.5)

(33) 马婷婷, 王家琪, 孙翔宇, 房玉林, 鲍诗晗, 兰天, 张鹤鑫. 杯子(奇异果).(外观专利,授权,授权号ZL201930594288.3)

(34) 战吉宬, 游义琳, 黄卫东, 孙翔宇. 矢车菊-3-氧-葡萄糖苷用于治疗肥胖症及相关疾病药物中的应用.(授权,授权号ZLCN201410314581.6)

(35) 战吉宬, 韩深, 李雪银, 王佩玥, 孙翔宇, 黄卫东. 一种葡萄酒中纳他霉素含量的测定方法.(授权,授权号ZL 201510430221.7)



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