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       发布日期:2022-05-30     浏览次数:4731


张克坤,男,汉族,山东肥城人,1990年7月生,中共党员,博士,副教授,博士研究生导师,研究领域为葡萄栽培生理与遗传育种, 主要研究方向为葡萄营养品质与香气品质的形成与调控、葡萄种质资源评价与创新、低醇果酒的酿造。



2019.08-2021.08 西北农林科技大学,葡萄与葡萄酒工程,博士后

2016.09-2019.07 南京农业大学,果树学,博士

2013.09-2016.07 中国农业科学院果树研究所,果树学,硕士

2009.09-2013.07 山东农业大学,设施农业科学与工程,学士















Zhang K#, Du M#, Zhang H, Zhang X, Cao S, Wang X, Wang W, Guan X, Zhou P, Li J, Jiang W, Tang M, Zheng Q, Cao M, Zhou Y, Chen K*, Liu Z*, Fang Y*. 2023. The haplotype-resolved T2T genome of teinturier cultivar Yan73 reveals the genetic basis of anthocyanin biosynthesis in grapes. Horticulture Research, 10(11):uhad205.

Zhang K, Zhang J, Zheng T, Gu W, Zhang Y, Li W, Zhou P, Fang Y*, Chen K*. 2023. Preharvest application of MeJA enhancing the quality of postharvest grape berries via regulating terpenes biosynthesis and phenylpropanoid metabolisms. Food Chemistry, 438:137958.

Li W, Zhang J, Sun J, Chen K, Guan X, Zhang K*, Fang Y*. 2023. Light irradiation with different wavelengths modifies the quality traits and monoterpenes biosynthesis of postharvest grape berries during the shelf life. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 185:115164.

Li W, Liu M, Chen K, Zhang J, Xue T, Cheng Z, Zhang B, Zhang K*, Fang Y*. 2022. The roles of different photoselective nets in the targeted regulation of metabolite accumulation, wine aroma and sensory profiles in warm viticulture regions. Food Chemistry, 396:133629.

Chen K, Hu Y, Chen L, Zhang J, Qiao H, Li W, Zhang K*, Fang Y*. 2022. Role of dehydration temperature on favonoids composition and free-form volatile profile of raisins during the drying process. Food Chemistry, 374:131747.

Zhang K, Chen L , Wei M , Qiao H, Zhang S, Li Z, Fang Y*, Chen K*. 2021. Metabolomic profile combined with transcriptomic analysis reveals the value of UV-C in improving the utilization of waste grape berries. Food Chemistry, 363(2):130288.

Zhang K, Li W, Ju Y, Wang X, Sun X, Fang Y, Chen K*. 2021. Transcriptomic and metabolomic basis of short- and long-term post-harvest uv-c application in regulating grape berry quality development. Foods, 10(3), 625.

Li W, Yao H, Chen K, Ju Y, Min Z, Sun X, Cheng Z, Liao Z, Zhang K*, Fang Y*. 2021. Effect of foliar application of fulvic acid antitranspirant on sugar accumulation, phenolic proffles and aroma qualities of Cabernet Sauvignon and Riesling grapes and wines. Food Chemistry, 351:129308.

Zhang K, Liu Z, Guan L, Zheng T, Jiu S, Zhu X, Jia H, Fang, J*. 2018. Changes of anthocyanin component biosynthesis in‘Summer Black’ grape berries after the red flesh mutation occurred. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(35), 9209 -9218.

Zhang K, Zheng T, Zhu X, Jiu S, Liu Z, Guan L, Jia H, Fang J*. 2018. Genome-wide identification of PIFs in grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) and their transcriptional analysis under lighting/shading conditions. Genes ,9(9), 451.

张莹莹, 郑天一, 王慧铃, 孙磊, 房玉林, 张克坤*. 葡萄主要香气物质遗传调控研究进展[J]. 西北植物学报, 2024, http://kns.cnki.net /kcms/detail/ 61.1091.Q.20240428.1225.028.html.

郑天一,胡玉杰,张学昊, 李婉平, 房玉林, 张克坤*, 陈可钦*. 激素信号调控果树果实花色苷合成机制研究进展[J].园艺学报, 2023, 50(11): 2516-2536.

张克坤, 陈可钦, 李婉平, 乔浩蓉, 张俊霞, 刘凤之, 房玉林*, 王海波*.灌水量对限根栽培‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄果实发育与香气物质积累的影响[J].中国农业科学, 2023 ,56(01):129-143.

王榆夫, 陈莉, 陈可钦, 管雪强, 房玉林*, 张克坤*. 世界主要葡萄种质资源数据库的功能与使用[J].植物遗传资源学报, 2023, 24(02): 532-549.


张克坤, 房玉林, 陈可钦, 张鹏, 李婉平. 一种应用照光技术生产高白藜芦醇型葡萄酒的方法, ZL202111084606.4.(国家发明专利)

陈可钦, 房玉林, 张克坤, 张诗浩, 董洁, 孙嘉华. VvMYBPro基因及应用和高效合成单宁的方法, ZL202310469142.1.(国家发明专利)

张克坤, 陈可钦, 房玉林, 张鹏. 一种葡萄冬季无需埋土的深沟栽培方法, ZL202111084650.5.(国家发明专利)

张克坤, 房玉林, 陈可钦.一种易于下架与上架的葡萄树配套装置及其构建使用方法, ZL202210062751.0.(国家发明专利)

张克坤, 张俊霞, 房玉林, 陈可钦, 李婉平. 一种用于采后果实的光照培养箱, ZL202223243477.1.(实用新型发明专利)

张克坤, 陈可钦, 房玉林. 一种简捷过滤装置, ZL202020623516.2. (实用新型发明专利)



    通讯地址: 陕西省杨凌示范区西农路22号西北农林科技大学葡萄酒学院608室

