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       发布日期:2024-05-07     浏览次数:7114





2021.11-至今    西北农林科技大学  葡萄酒学院    葡萄学教研室主任

2020.11-至今    西北农林科技大学  葡萄酒学院    副教授

2020.09-2023.09 西北农林科技大学  果树学流动站  博士后  合作导师管清美

2019.06-2020.10  西北农林科技大学  葡萄酒学院    讲 师

2014.09-2019.06  西北农林科技大学  葡萄酒学院    博 士   导师房玉林

2010.09-2014.06  西北农林科技大学  葡萄酒学院    学 士   导师房玉林




近年来,在Food Research International,Food Chemistry,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Scientia Horticulturae,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry等国内外知名刊物上发表论文共计40余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇(ESI论文1篇),EI收录3篇。担任Food Research International,Food Chemistry,Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry,Scientia Horticulturae,园艺学报等多个国内外学术期刊审阅人。参编地方标准5项,申请国内外专利12项,授权专利7项。获陕西省现代农业技术推广一等奖。


Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,Journal of Future Foods,Frontiers in Plant Science,Frontiers in Nutrition等期刊编委;西咸新区科技特派员
















1.Yue Xiaofeng, Wang Shu, Dong Yang, Chen Wei, Wang Ying, Xu Huaide, Zhang Zhenwen, Fang Yulin, Ju Yanlun*. 2024. Targeted metabolomics analysis based on HS-SPME-GC-MS to discriminate geographical origin of ‘Muscat Hamburg’ grape and wine. Food Research International 181,114120.

2.Qi Xie, Yurou Tang, Xueyan Wu, Qingyan Luo, Wentong Zhang, Hanyang Liu, Yulin Fang, Xiaofeng Yue*, Yanlun Ju*. 2023. Combined ultrasound and low temperature pretreatment improve the content of anthocyanins, phenols and volatile substance of Merlot red wine. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,100,106636.

3.Wan Ni Wang, Yun Hui Qian, Ruo Han Liu, Tao Liang, Yin Ting Ding, Xue Lei Xu, Shan Huang, Yu Lin Fang,Yan Lun Ju*. 2023. Effects of Table Grape Cultivars on Fruit Quality and Aroma Components. Foods, 12, 3371.

4.Yan lun Ju, Xue lei Xu, Yi ke Yu, Meng Liu, Wan ni Wang, Jin ren Wu, Bo chen Liu, Yang Zhang, Yu lin Fang*. 2023. Effects of winemaking techniques on the phenolics, organic acids, and volatile compounds of Muscat wines. Food Bioscience, 54, 102937.

5.Ju YL, Wang WN, Yue XF, Xue W, Zhang YL*, Fang YL*. 2023. Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis reveals the mechanism underlying the accumulation of anthocyanins and other flavonoids in the flesh and skin of teinturier grapes. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 197, 107667.

6.Ju Y L, Francoise U, Li D M, Zhang Y, Liu B C, Sun M, Fang Y L*, Wei X F. 2023. Effect of light-selective sunshade net on the quality and aromatic characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes and wine: Exploratory experiment on strong solar irradiance in northwestern China. Food Chemistry X. 17, 100510.

7.Liu BC, Zhang Y, Wang S, Wang WN, Xu XL, Wu JR, Fang YL*, Ju YL*. 2022. Effects of strigolactone and abscisic acid on the quality and antioxidant activity of grapes ( Vitis vinifera  L.) and wines. Food Chemistry: X, 16,100496.

8.Yue X F#, Ju Y L#, Zhang H J, Wang Z H, Xu H D*, Zhang Z W*. 2022. Integrated transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis reveals the changes in monoterpene compounds during the development of Muscat Hamburg (Vitis vinifera L.) grape berries. Food Research International. 162,112065.

9.Ju YL, Liu BC, Xu XL, Wu J R, Sun W, Fang YL*. 2022. Targeted metabolomic and transcript level analysis reveals the effects of exogenous strigolactone and methyl jasmonate on grape quality.  Scientia Horticulturae , 299, 111009.

10.Wang W N, Min Z, Wu JR, Liu BC, Xu XL, Fang YL*, Ju YL*. 2021. Physiological and transcriptomic analysis of Cabernet Sauvginon ( Vitis vinifera L.) reveals the alleviating effect of exogenous strigolactones on the response of grapevine to drought stress.  Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 167, 400-409.

11.Yue X F, Liu S Q, Wei S C, Fang Y L, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2021. Transcriptomic and Metabolic Analyses Provide New Insights intothe Effects of Exogenous Sucrose on Monoterpene Synthesis in “Muscat Hamburg” Grapes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 69, 4164-4176.

12.Yue X F, Wei S C, Liu W H, Lu J S, Fang Y L, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2021. Effect of rain-shelter cultivation on the monoterpenes profile of Muscat Hamburg grapes and wines. Scientia Horticulturae, 110136.

13.Yue X F, Jing S S, Ni X F, Zhang K K, Fang Y L, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2021. Anthocyanin and Phenolic Acids Contents Influence the Color Stability and Antioxidant Capacity of Wine Treated With Mannoprotein.  Frontiers in Nutrition , 8, 691784.

14.Yue X F, Shi P B, Tang Y L, Zhang H X, Ma X, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2021. Effects of methyl jasmonate on the monoterpenes of Muscat Hamburg grapes and wine.  Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 101, 3665-3675.

15.Ju Y L, Yang L, Yue X F, He R, Deng S L, Yang X, Liu X, Fang Y L*. 2021.The condensed tannin chemistry and astringency properties of fifteen  Vitis davidii  Foex grapes and wines.  Food Chemistry X , 11, 100125.

16.Ju Y L, Min Z, Zhang Y, Zhang K K, Liu M, Fang Y L*. 2021. Transcriptome profiling provide new insights into the molecular mechanism of grapevine response to heat, drought, and combined stress.  Scientia Horticulturae , 286, 110076.

17.Ju Y L, Yang L, Yue X F, Li Y K, He R, Deng S L, Yang X, Fang Y L*. 2021. Anthocyanin profiles and color properties of red wines made from  Vitis davidii  and  Vitis vinifera grapes,  Food Science and Human Wellness , 10(3), 335-344.

18.Ju Y L, Yue X F, Cao X Y, Wei X F, Fang Y L*. 2021. First study on the fatty acids and their derived volatile profiles from six Chinese wild spine grape clones ( Vitis davidii Foex),  Scientia Horticulturae,  275, 109709.

19.Ju Y L, Yue X F, Cao X Y, Fang Y L*. 2020. Targeted metabolomic and transcript level analysis reveals quality characteristic of Chinese wild grapes ( Vitis davidii Foex),  Foods , 9, 1387.

20.Ju Y L, Min Z, Yue X F, Zhang Y L, Zhang J X, Zhang Z Q, Fang Y L*. 2020. Overexpression of grapevine VvNAC08 enhances drought tolerance in transgenic  Arabidopsis ,  Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 151(6): 214-222.

21.Ju Y L, Yue X F, Min Z, Wang X H, Fang Y L*, Zhang J X*. 2020. VvNAC17, a novel stress-responsive grapevine ( Vitis vinifera L.) NAC transcription factor, increases sensitivity to abscisic acid and enhances salinity, freezing, and drought tolerance in transgenic  Arabidopsis .  Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 146, 98-111 . (ESI论文)

22.Yue X F, Ma X, Tang Y L, Wang Y, Wu B W, Jiao X L, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2020. Effect of cluster zone leaf removal on monoterpene profiles of Sauvignon Blanc grapes and wines.  Food Research International , 131, 109028.

23.Yue X F, Ren R H, Ma X, Fang Y L, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2020. Dynamic changes in monoterpene accumulation and biosynthesis during grape ripening in three  Vitis vinifera L. cultivars.  Food Research International , 137, 109736.

24.Ju Y L, Liu M, Tu T Y, Zhao X F, Yue X F, Zhang J X, Fang Y L*. 2018. Effect of regulated deficit irrigation on fatty acids and their derived volatiles in 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grapes and wines of Ningxia, China.  Food Chemistry , 245, 667.

25.王婉妮, 孟凡君, 贾若一, 闵卓, 房玉林*, 鞠延仑*. 2022. 干旱胁迫下三种抗旱葡萄砧木 NAC 基因表达分析. 分子植物育种.20(13),4261-4269.



1. 鞠延仑,王婉妮,徐学蕾,姚衡,房玉林,何爽. 一种赤霞珠葡萄花器官愈伤组织诱导培养基及培养方法. 发明专利,专利号:CN202210990451.9

2. 鞠延仑,王婉妮,乐小凤,房玉林,赵欣悦,吴今人,徐学蕾.一种葡萄抗旱VvCCD7基因及其氨基酸序列和应用. 发明专利,专利号:CN202210330384.8

3. 鞠延仑,乐小凤,房玉林,张鹏. 一种葡萄种植用爬蔓辅助装置. 发明专利,专利号:CN202210503894.0

4. 鞠延仑,练冬金,乐小凤,张鹏,房玉林,楼亿文.一种新型多功能葡萄避雨棚. 专利号:CN202220922305.8

5. 鞠延仑,练冬金,乐小凤,张鹏,房玉林,楼亿文.一种葡萄扦插枝条催根装置.专利号:CN202221029517.X

6. 鞠延仑,刘泊辰,乐小凤,王庶,张鹏,钱韫辉,于易可,房玉林.一种葡萄离体果实培养装置.专利号:CN202220938321.6

7. 鞠延仑; 王庶; 刘文政; 房玉林. 一种便于葡萄上架埋土的装置.专利号CN202222246997.1

8. 鞠延仑; 王庶; 刘文政; 房玉林. 一种便于葡萄下架埋土的装置. CN202222247955.X

9. 《葡萄学实验实习指导》国家农业农村部“十三五”规划教材,参编

10. 《葡萄防灾减灾》国家林业与草原局“十三五”规划教材,参编



E-mail:juyanlun2016@nwsuaf.edu.cn. 电话:18700807659