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       发布日期:2020-12-29     浏览次数:






2020.12-至今 西北农林科技大学,葡萄学教研室,青年副教授,教学科研。

2017.9-2020.12 西北农林科技大学,葡萄酒学院,博士;

2016.6-2017.9 西北农林科技大学,葡萄酒学院,张振文教授课题组科研助理;

2013.6-2016.9 西北农林科技大学,葡萄酒学院,硕士;

2009.6-2013.9 青岛大学,生命科学学院,学士;


1. 发表论文

发表论文18篇,其中以第一作者在Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Food Chemistry,Frontiers in Plant Science等发表SCI论文8篇,其中中科院一区文章2篇,封面文章1篇;一作发表核心论文1篇。

2. 代表性论文

[1] Xie, S., Qiao, X. L., Chen, H. W., Nan, H., and Zhang, Z. W. (2019). Coordinated Regulation of Grape Berry Flesh Color by Transcriptional Activators and Repressors. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 67, 11815-11824. 中科院1区SCI. IF: 3.571.封面文章

[2] Xie, S., Zhao, T., Zhang, Z., and Meng, J. (2018). Reduction of Dihydrokaempferol by Vitis vinfera Dihydroflavonol 4-Reductase to Produce Orange Pelargonidin-Type Anthocyanins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66, 3524-3532. 中科院1区SCI. IF: 3.571.

[3] Xie, S., Lei, Y.J., Chen, H. W., Lei, Y. J., Chen, H. Z., and Zhang, Z.(2020).R2R3-MYB Transcription Factors Regulate Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Grapevine Vegetative Tissues. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00527. JCR一区SCI. IF: 4.106.

[4] Xie, S., Lei, Y. J., Wang, Y. J., Wang, X. Q., Ren, R. H., and Zhang, Z. W. (2019). Influence of continental climates on the volatile profile of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from five Chinese viticulture regions. Plant Growth Regulation 87, 83-92. JCR二区SCI. IF:2.473

[5] Xie, S., Tang, Y. H., Wang, P., Song, C. Z., Duan, B. B., Zhang, Z. W., and Meng, J. F. (2018). Influence of natural variation in berry size on the volatile profiles of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot and Cabernet Gernischt grapes. Plos One 13. JCR一区SCI. IF: 2.776.

[6] Xie, S., Hu, F., Song, C. Z., Xi, Z. M., and Zhang, Z. W. (2016). Aromatic profiles of young wines from berries at different heights on grapevines. Food Science and Technology 36, 248-258. JCR三区SCI. IF:1.223

[7] Xie, S., Song, C. Z., Wang, X. J., Liu, M. Y., Zhang, Z. W., and Xi, Z. M. (2015). Tissue-Specific Expression Analysis of Anthocyanin Biosynthetic Genes in White- and Red-Fleshed Grape Cultivars. Molecules 20, 22767-22780. JCR二区SCI. IF:3.06

[8] Lei, Y. J†., Xie, S†., Guan, X. Q., Song, C. Z., Zhang, Z. W., and Meng, J. F. (2018). Methoxypyrazines biosynthesis and metabolism in grape: A review. Food Chemistry 245, 1141-1147. JCR一区SCI.并列一作第二位. IF: 5.399

[9] 谢沙;胡帆;张振文.酿酒葡萄直立独龙蔓不同结果部位果实品质的差异.果树学报.2016,33(3):298-306.


[1] 西北农林科技大学博士科研启动项目,2020/12-2023/12,20万元,主持。

[2] 酿酒葡萄栽培,国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项,2018/01-2020/12,CARS-29-zp-6, 参与。

[3] 宁夏贺兰山东麓现代酿酒葡萄生产技术体系研究、集成与示范,国家重点研发计划,2019.05-2022.12,2019YFD1002502,参与。


